We are part of the HealthOne group of companies, proudly working for over 20 years to deliver better health outcomes. Over this time we have been working closely with and supplying to Australian G.P’s, Pharmacists, Dentists and Hospitals.

With over 12 months in supplying protective wear we are very focussed on both quality and innovation of all of our products. We have in place a three step a QC process that pre-evaluates product samples here in Australia, in the country of source and post evaluation with our partners. This has served as the benchmark for quality PPE - one of which we are very proud of. We have also assisted State based Dept of Healths with product innovation - our shared goal - to get the best protective wear for Australian frontline workers.
We will never stop learning, innovating and focussing on quality.
Our journey with our partners and customers is the journey we choose - and the journey we will devote ourselves to.

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